DFW Metroplex

Intoxication Assault Allegations

Intoxication Assault Attorney in DFW Metroplex

If an individual is driving under the influence and causes serious bodily harm to another, the driver can be charged with intoxication assault. Under Texas DWI laws, intoxication assault is a third-degree felony carrying harsh penalties, such as:

  • Probation with at least 30 days of incarceration
  • 2 to 10 years in prison
  • A fine of up to $10,000
  • Mandatory driver's license suspension or revocation
  • 160 to 600 hours of community service

Due to the seriousness of this criminal offense, the courts are much less likely to be lenient with the offenders. You will need an aggressive and seasoned defense attorney on your side.

DWI Defense in DFW Metroplex

Texas DWI laws are strictly enforced, and offenders are punishable to the extent of the law. If you are arrested for DWI, invoke your Fifth Amendment right to remain silent and contact a reputable, experienced attorney immediately. Jones & Miyazono Attorneys and Counselors at Law, L.L.P can assist you with every aspect of your case.  Our attorneys will analyze the evidence for mistakes and formulate a defense to achieve the most favorable result.

Call (817) 335-0200 today for your free initial consultation. Jones & Miyazono Attorneys and Counselors at Law, L.L.P represents clients in the DFW Metroplex.

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